
From my heart to yours Devotion

Darlene Zschech Inspiration

Life to the Max!
A Desperado’s Guide to 
Meeting God

Mercy, Greatness and Hope springs into my world!

Guys, let me tell you about the most awe-inspiring experiences I have had. It is more of thrill than going out to the skate park, sky-diving off the empire state or meeting the just most beautiful girl in my dreams. For me this experience is an irresistible urge. It is like a fresh breath of air at dawn. Have you ever wanted to spend some time with the music artist who sings your favourite song? Ever wanted to spend some time with that guy or girl who has been your crush for the last year whose smile just makes to melt? I want to let you in on meeting the artist of life, the artist who designed laughter, friends, irresistible hope, healing and love. This smile of God so makes me melt in love. I honestly could not even put into words how I feel when I get close to this God. It feels better than if I were to climb the highest peak and see the view. Even when life has let me down a thousand times…. This desire is all I need to lift my spirit. If you think I am on about dead religion or rotten traditions, don’t be fooled. Believe me, I was into religion…and I had a mouth full of it.

I guess everyone wants friends. How about that best friend that you can hang around with and share your secrets with… your deepest hopes… just chill out without fear. I have been around enough to find even the best of friends let you down. This closeness with God that I was on about earlier is exactly that… This Jesus-God is my best friend. When life lets me down… and it has often …all I have is my God… Nothing will ever change that. Everything good and free that I desire is in Him. You know, many Christian take Jesus as a life insurance for death. For me that is just an added bonus. When you actually know His love, His power, His hope and actually live in that closeness with Him, life is more than an adventure, it is more than life. Times that ‘more than life’ phrase a millions times and you don’t even get a drop in the ocean of what it means.

I remember one day at school when I was close to God, I walked into my class after break and because of the way I acted, one of the girls in my class told me I was high. I guess she was right. Love is a drug… but I had just experienced the ultimate source of all love. This drug is more powerful than just being able to put you on a high for a while until you come back down to earth to your problems… This love is powerful enough to blast away all your problems. Do you know it was for Freedom that Jesus came to die and suffer AND SET US FREE.

If all you have experienced is outdated and dead religion, don’t worry, you are not alone. Many churches are caught a time warp and are filled up with peoples traditions. Often those habits cancel out or dampen what God is wanting to do. I don’t care whether you come from a background of hymn dirges, heart palpitating praising or evolutionary atheism. If you feel God is distant, I am cheering you on to hope like you never have before… There is more to life than you are experiencing. I love Him more than life… and He loves you a trillion times more.

It was for freedom that Christ set me free. Whatever your bondage may be - sickness, disease, fear, poverty.... Jesus suffered and died so that you wouldn't have to. All you need to do is accept what Jesus has already bought for you.


You CAN have a personal relationship with the living God, your Creator !!

Whaaaaat, so he ain't just some wacko weirdo sitting up in the clouds singing with a harp?

You sure right. Yeah! Cool! Once you meet him, you ain't gonna be the same!

lets see what the bible has to say: (ah come on, if you thinking yeah right, the bible, the book with all the thee's, thou's, and tedious, dull old stuff - THINK AGAIN !! The bible is a cool book, probably relevant today more than ever. It addresses topics like Love, Depression, Stereotypes, Sex..... and a whole lot more!!

So, lets see what the bible has to say about becoming a Christian!! Jesus said that he was the way, the truth and the life, nobody gets to the father (in heaven), the only way is through Jesus (see John 14:6)


The bible says that the is one God, and one advocate between God and us Humans, the man Christ Jesus. ( We were held hostage, except it was a lot worse than just being held hostage by a criminal. Satan had us, on our way to eternity. Jesus was the guy that paid the price, that suffered the worst, and gave his life so that if we accept him, we belong to Him.

The bible also says that it is by grace that we are saved through faith, we didn't save ourselves: it is the gift of God: we didn't do anything to earn this gift, in case we should boast (see Ephesians 2:8-9) Don't you just love birthdays? Ton's of cool gifts and stuff?? We did nothing to recieve them - we didn't have a choice about being born - But we still get the gifts. Jesus gave us a better gift than any friends or family could ever give - he gave us eternal life when we die, and mega-happiness on earth while we are still living. Talk about a cool birthday!!


Pray to God in your own words:

  • Admit you are a sinner, and that only the Lord Jesus can save you. (Romans 3:23)

  • Repent: be willing to turn away from sin and submit to God. (See Luke 13:5). We would sure make lousy Gods - admit it he's the one who knows best.

  • Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood to pay the price for your sins, and that he arose again. (See Romans 10:9)

  • Ask God to save you. (See Romans 10:13)

  • Ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord (take control) of your life. (See Romans 12:1-2)


  • Read your bible to get to know Christ better. It's not dead old boring religion - it's live exciting, refreshing relationship!

  • Talk to God in prayer. He's your best friend - treat him like it. (see John 17:3)

  • Find a church where the bible is taught as the complete Word of God and is the final authority. Get in a relevant church that inspires you on to all you are in Christ.

  • Obey Christ's command and be baptised (See Matthew 28:19). That way we can show those we do life with that we are a new person.

  • If you want to get a grounding, listen to the following audio with Andrew Wommack:

    What Is A Christian? Listen Listen
    What's Next? Listen Listen

  • Also see below to find some more great teaching:

    Andrew Wommack
    Kong Hee
    Phil Pringle
    Joyce Meyer
    Kenneth Copeland
    CBN Media Centre

  • Remember that God loved you enough to die for you and that living for Jesus is a JOYFUL experience !! - God ain't and Ogre just waiting to pounce - he is a loving God !!

Get filled with God's Spirit - (God on earth in us)

Jesus said that when He left earth that He would send would send a Comforter and Helper, who would lead us into all TRUTH. This Comforter is God's Holy Spirit. (John 14:16)

The bible also says that we will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. (Acts 1:8)

From what I can gather from the bible and experience, there are three stages

1. The Holy Spirit is WITH us when we become Christians,

2. Then when we ask Him to, the Holy Spirit fills and empowers us. This may or may not happen when you commit your life to Jesus. For some it happens the same night, for others years afterwards… God WANTS to give His Spirit. But we need to receive it.

3. We must actually be walking continually in the infilling/anointing of the Holy Spirit.

When we follow His Spirit, AWESOME stuff begins to happen. (John 14:17, Acts 2:4, Acts 2:17)

When the Holy Spirit lives in you and you walk in His annointing in your life, you will WANT to follow what Jesus said. (Galations 5:16)

Do you want to be filled - just ask God and He will give you the Holy Spirit! Remember it is not just a once off time... we should continually be filled up with Him – drunk with Him!

If you are inspired and want to follow Jesus, shout it out. He has a bright future ahead for you as you follow Him!


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