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  “Why I am Not an Evolutionist …”

              The Science Lecture Class Handout

 By Andy Carmichael © 2003

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11.    The many theories of evolution

Evolution theory is about origins – where did everything come from ? Evolution theory is thousands of years old and predates Christ.

“Change over time” is entropy, not evolution. “Survival”, “survival of the fittest” and “survival of the luckiest” are not evolution – you may survive to your 70th birthday but does this mean you have evolved ? Clearly not. Death is not evolution. Extinction is not evolution. Variation within a kind or species is not evolution – such as in the 200 very different types of dog that have been bred by intelligent human beings for their different looks. Or the varieties of Galapagos Island finches and tortoises that Charles Darwin saw on his travels. Or the “industrial melanism” example of the peppered moth. Peppered moths breeding peppered moths is not evolution. Galapagos Island finches breeding more finches is not evolution. Dogs breeding dogs is not evolution. No breeder has ever bred two dogs and got a litter of kittens, yet this is what the theories of evolution predict : that one kind of animal or plant will gradually (or rapidly) turn into a different kind of animal or plant. In other words, that an amoeba will turn into a man and that a frog will gradually (or rapidly) turn into a prince ...

Evolutionism is the belief in a hypothetical process that all living things and all matter somehow increase in complexity of their own accord.

The theories of evolution, in contrast to the theory of Biblical scientific creation, claim that the universe, the solar system, the earth and every living creature appeared as the result of a theorised cosmic explosion, nick-named the “big bang”, around (an assumed) 17 to 20 billion years ago. Hydrogen – a colourless, odourless gas – is believed to have resulted from the theorised explosion, somehow condensed into the stars, the solar system, the earth and the other eight known planets in the universe, and (by an unknown mechanism) other chemicals (somehow) formed on earth and became a theorised, hypothetical “primeval soup” – literally a toxic sea of chemicals – and is thought to have gradually (somehow) produced a cell with 100% operative DNA.

This theorised first cell (somehow) came to life, gradually improved itself and (somehow) over an assumed 2 billion years turned itself into every living and extinct type of plant, animal and human being, including you. Hence, the evolutionist believes that “nothing exploded and became everything all on its own”. Or “nobody x nothing = everything”. Or “if compacted enough, nothing will explode and become everything.” The theories of evolution are thus unscientific and can be summarised as follows :

“Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.”

·         The 15 theories of evolution

There is no such thing as “the theory of evolution”. There are many theories of evolution (about 15) and as a result, evolutionists are always attacking one another which makes for very interesting reading :

1.       Pre-Darwinian theories of evolution

The early Greek philosophers (Thales of Miletus in 620 BC) were the first recorded as thinking of evolution theory. Aristotle had ideas similar to Charles Darwin. Many of the ancient Greeks believed in vast ages of history – Plato claimed there were 20 million years between the global Flood and his day.

Evolutionist ideas can be traced through the philosophies of many nations, including the Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian. The Egyptians long believed in the spontaneous generation of frogs after the Nile had flooded and the Chinese thought that insects appeared from nothing on the leaves of plants.

2.      Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution

Time + random natural selection by survival of the fittest = everything in the universe

Evolution theory is medieval superstition, not science. Contrary to the title of his book, Darwin never actually discussed or showed the evolutionary origin of any species in his book or anywhere else in his works :

“Darwin did not invent, or discover, evolution; it was in the air at the time … He caught the mood, made it popular and gave it credibility. The problem was that he had no real evidence to support the change of one kind into another.”

(Graham Fisher, creationist scientist, geology and geography teacher, 1998 [30] )

“Darwin never really did discuss the origin of the species in his Origin of Species.”

(Dr Niles Eldredge, evolutionist, paleontologist and Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History, 1985 [31] )

“The only trouble was that, as Darwin himself was at least partly aware, it [Darwin’s theory] was full of colossal holes ... A book which has become famous for explaining the origin of species in fact does nothing of the kind.”

(Christopher Booker, The Times, 19 April 1982)

“Darwin’s book – On the Origin of Species – I find quite unsatisfactory : it says nothing about the origin of species; it is written very tentatively, with a special chapter on ‘Difficulties on theory’; and it includes a great deal of discussion on why evidence for natural selection does not exist in the fossil record … As a scientist, I am not happy with these ideas.”

(Professor H.S. Lipson, Professor of Physics at University of Manchester, 1981 [32] )

Charles Darwin thought that natural selection by survival of the fittest would cause a slow, irresistible “evolution” of life onwards and upwards from one kind of plant or animal to another, culminating in apes becoming people. But as a supposed mechanism for evolution, natural selection (also known as random destruction) is simply an illogical tautology and is therefore not a scientific mechanism for any kind of onward and upward improvement. (As will be shown, natural selection simply means random destruction or differential survival.)

Charles Darwin himself was the first doubting Darwinist. He admitted that his own theory was “grievously hypothetical” [33] and he wrote, “The eye to this day gives me a cold shudder” [34] . He said that even trying to account for something as comparatively simple as a peacock’s feather “makes me sick” [35] :

“To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances ... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree.”

(Charles Darwin, evolutionist, Origin of Species [36] )

“Not one change of species into another is on record ... we cannot prove that a single species has been changed.”

(Charles Darwin, evolutionist, My Life and Letters)

3.      Neo-Darwinian (or synthetic theory) of evolution

Time + random natural selection by survival of the fittest + random genetic mutations = everything in the universe.

In the 1940s, neo-Darwinian evolutionists simply added the words “plus random genetic mutations” to Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution was dying a rapid death for lack of supporting scientific evidence and for lack of a scientific mechanism of self-creation and universal onward-and-upward self-improvement. However, natural selection and genetic mutations are both mechanisms of destruction only and not mechanisms of creating new things or improving them :

“In the meantime, the educated public continues to believe that Darwin has provided all the relevant answers by the magic formula of random mutation plus natural selection – quite unaware of the fact that random mutations turned out to be irrelevant and natural selection a tautology.”

(Arthur Koestler, 1978 [37] )

“But in all the reading I’ve done in the life-sciences literature, I’ve never found a mutation that added information ... All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it. … The essential biological difference between a human and a bacterium is in the information they contain. All other biological differences follow from that. The human genome has much more information than does the bacterial genome. Information cannot be built up by mutations that lose it. A business can’t make money by losing it a little at a time.”

(Dr Lee Spetner, scientist in information and communication theory at Johns Hopkins University, Not By Chance [38] )

4.      Richard Goldschmidt’s “hopeful monsters” theory of evolution

In the 1940s, evolutionist and world-famous geneticist, Professor Richard Goldschmidt of the University of California at Berkeley, became so disenchanted with Darwinism’s explanation for the origins of new structures that he was driven to propose his “hopeful monsters” theory. He thought that, occasionally, large changes might somehow occur just by “chance” – perhaps a reptile laid an egg once, say, and a bird or a “brown furry thing” hatched out of it.

He proposed that every once in a while an offspring was produced that was a monster grossly different from its parents. For example, perhaps two rabbits produced a male bear cub and, by coincidence, just over the hill two other rabbits produced a female bear cub. Both baby bears were able to get enough milk from their mother rabbits so that they grew to maturity and reproduced and gave rise to all the bears in the world. That would be how bears got their start in life according to “hopeful monsters” evolution theory. According to Professor Goldschmidt, that is pretty much how every kind of living and extinct plant, animal and person came into existence :

“He [Goldschmidt] noted that paleontologists had searched for a hundred years since the time of Darwin for transitional forms in the fossil record without finding any. Obviously, none were ever going to be found, and if evolutionists were going to keep the faith, they needed a new theory. So he proposed the ‘hopeful monster theory’.

… Needless to say, Goldschmidt’s hopeful monster theory was met with much derision. Critics said that there was not a shred of evidence to support his theory. He responded that this was unfair criticism because neither was there a shred of evidence for slow and gradual evolution.”

(Luther Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma, 1998)

All that the Darwinian and neo-Darwinian evolutionists could do was to ridicule Goldschmidt and wish he would disappear. His hopeful monsters theory did not catch on then, but it re-emerged several decades later in the form of the “punctuated equilibria” theory of evolution.

5.   The Eldredge / Gould punctuated equilibria (“punk eek”) (or saltation) theory of evolution

This is just a minor variation of neo-Darwinian and “hopeful monsters” evolutionist theories also with no fossil evidence. This theory of evolution postulates two things : that for long periods most species undergo little observable change; and that when it does occur, change is rapid and concentrated in small, isolated populations hence fossil intermediates (i.e. missing links) are hard to find. They claim that evolution took place in short bursts, with long periods of rest in between. For 50,000 years or so, there will be no change (an “equilibrium” without any evolution) and then suddenly (in a rare “punctuation”) two totally different life forms will (somehow) “appear”. By sheerest chance, one will be male and the other a female and coincidentally, they will always appear at the same time in history and less than a few miles apart so they can breed and continue the new species … Evolutionists can give no scientific explanation for how or why this could happen. They also claim that this “punctuated equilibria evolution” process is (conveniently) not happening today so we can’t observe or test it.

Richard Goldschmidt called them “hopeful monsters”, Stephen Jay Gould renamed the idea “punctuated equilibria” and Steven Stanley renamed it “quantum speciation” evolution :

“The theory of punctuated equilibria is causing much turmoil among evolutionists. They know that there is no actual mechanism that would explain large rapid jumps from one species to another [i.e. hopeful monsters], and yet they also know the fossil record does not support gradualism [i.e. neo-Darwinism]. They are left on the horns of a dilemma.”

(Luther Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma, 1998 [39] )

What do other evolutionists think about replacing the Darwinian and neo-Darwinian theories of gradual evolution with Gould’s theory of instant (“punctuated equilibria”) evolution ? Harvard evolutionist, Dr Ernst Mayr, calls such hypothetical evolutionary entities not “hopeful” but “hopeless” and says that the “hopeful monsters” theory “is equivalent to believing in miracles” [40] .

6.     Lynn Margulis’ bacterial theory of evolution

7.     Stuart Kauffman’s “complexity theory” of evolution

8.     The theories of “panspermia” and “directed panspermia” evolution (life from outer space)

9.     Cairns-Smith’s clay-based mineral origin of life theory of evolution

10.   Corliss’ hydrothermal-vents-on-the-sea-floor theory of evolution

11.     Wachterhauser’s “metabolism first” theory of evolution

12.     De Duve’s “metabolism first” theory of evolution

13.     Prigogine’s “self-organisation-in-nature” theory of evolution

14.     Eigen’s “hypercycle” theory of evolution


15.     The theory of theistic evolution (“theistic atheism”)

The theory of theistic evolution is sloppy, lazy thinking and is unbiblical and unscientific. The theory of theistic evolution (or “theistic atheism”) is nothing more than a combination of one or more of the above theories of evolution with the words “plus God” tacked on to the end. “Theistic evolution” theory includes the unbiblical ideas that perhaps God somehow used a big bang plus evolution and that the Earth and the universe are millions or billions of years old. Beware of evolution-contaminated theology and evolution-contaminated thinking, especially in churches today …

The theory of theistic evolution has no Biblical or scientific support. The theory of theistic evolution also contradicts every book in the Bible and not just the book of Genesis.

“Theistic evolution may be defined as an anesthetic which deadens the patient’s pain while atheism removes his religion.”

(William Jennings Bryan, US statesman and creationist, 1922 [41] )

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