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Darlene Zschech Inspiration

  “Why I am Not an Evolutionist …”

              The Science Lecture Class Handout

 By Andy Carmichael © 2003

Creation School Online with Andy Carmichael is hosted

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14.    The eleven most frequently asked creation questions

  1. Where did Cain find his wife ?

Cain married one of his sisters or nieces. Today you cannot marry anyone but your relative if you’re going to marry a human being ! We are all related to one another through Noah and back to Adam and Eve. God’s prohibition against marrying a genetically very close relative was not given until 1,445 BC during the time of Moses (The Ten Commandments), about 2,500 years after Cain’s birth. So Cain was allowed to marry his close female relative.

  1. Can’t Christians believe in evolution ?

No, because evolution is not a true account of reality and history. Evolution is scientifically and logically impossible. Evolution is contradicted by every realm of knowledge (the Bible, science, biology, archaeology, philosophy, history, etc.). The idea of evolution requires self-creation which is a logically impossibility. And contrary to the claims of evolutionists :

·         The six creation days of Genesis are literal, normal, 24-hour days.

·         The days of creation are not figurative or poetic.

·         The book of Genesis is not poetry or allegory or figurative or “religious” or mythical but is history.

·         There is no time gap before Genesis 1. The Hebrew text does not allow it.

·         There is no time gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. The Hebrew text does not allow it.

·         There were no “pre-Adamic” men or ape-men.

·         There are no missing genealogies at all. There is no way to insert years or generations nor thousands or millions or billions of years into Genesis or elsewhere in the Biblical time-scale.

·         Could God have used evolution ? No, as evolution is logically impossible and even God cannot do what is logically impossible.

·         The entire Bible, including the salvation message, depends absolutely the creation of 6,000 years ago being real, true history.

  1. Couldn’t God have used evolution ?

No, because evolution is logically impossible since evolution is the theory of self-creation. An all-powerful God can do what is physically or naturally impossible but even He cannot do what is logically impossible (for example, even God cannot draw square circles as they are a logically impossible concept). Nonsense (such as square circles or evolution) spoken about God remains nonsense. Evolution is entirely contrary to God’s nature, the Bible and the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Evolution did not create anything in the universe, because evolution does not exist and never happened. Since evolution does not exist and did not happen, God could not have used it.

  1. Doesn’t carbon-dating prove that the Earth is very old ?

No, because carbon-dating is inherently usable firstly only back to a maximum of 50,000 years and secondly only back to the last global catastrophe. It is reliable only back to around 100 BC and is reasonably accurate only for organic objects of the past 2,000 years. The global Flood of 2,348 BC would reset all radiometric-dating clocks. All radiometric dating methods are only as good as their assumptions. The concept of a global flood is equivalent to a young earth. If the global Flood occurred (as is evidenced by the entire fossil record and the massive, vast sedimentary rock layers all around the world as well as by the entire Bible), then the earth is young because the evolutionist’s “evidence” for an old earth is critically dependent on their unscientific assumption that the earth has never experienced a global flood (or any other global catastrophe).

  1. Haven’t scientists proved that the Earth is billions of years old ?

No. There is no scientific way to know the actual age of a rock, a fossil or the Earth other than

by an eye-witness’ account. No dating method has ever proved that the Earth or the solar system or the universe itself is more than several thousand years old. The concept of a global flood is equivalent to a young earth. If the global Flood occurred (as is evidenced by the entire fossil record and the massive, vast sedimentary rock layers all around the world as well as by the entire Bible), then the earth is young because the evolutionist’s “evidence” for an old earth is critically dependent on their unscientific assumption that the earth has never experienced a global flood (or any other global catastrophe).

  1. How do dinosaurs fit with the Bible ?

Very well ! Firstly, what is a “dinosaur” ? Technically, everything can be called a “dinosaur” since everything living today is found in fossil form. Secondly, T-rex, stegosaurs and other large saurischian land animals (i.e. “dinosaurs”) all lived with people before and after the global Flood, as is documented in Anglo-Saxon and other ancient historic records, including the Bible (the final chapters of Job). God created “dinosaurs” (the large, medium and small saurischian animals) 6,000 years ago during the creation but they were not like Hollywood’s Jurassic Park ! The average size of a dinosaur in the fossil record is only between the size of a sheep and a small cow. Breeding pairs of these land-dwelling “dinosaur” kinds were on the Ark. The large land-dwelling dinosaurs appear to have died out, like many other animals (the dodo, carrier pigeon, mammoths, etc.), in the 4,350 years since the global Flood.

  1. How did Noah fit all the animals in the Ark ?

God sent the animals to Noah – Noah did not have to collect them or round them up. Only 16,000 individual land-dwelling animals (i.e. a breeding pair of 8,000 animal “kinds”) would have needed to be on Noah’s Ark to repopulate and restock the animal world as we see it today. Only land-dwelling, air-breathing animals were on the Ark, hence not all the animals kinds or species in the world had to be on the Ark to survive the year-long global Flood (e.g. insects do not breathe air through their nostrils and whales and fish are not land-dwelling animals.) Noah’s Ark was vast, with three internal decks and animal compartments or cages, and had a cargo capacity of 15,000 tons – it could carry the equivalent mass of 150,000 people each weighing 100 kilograms ...

  1. Wasn’t there a vast time gap in the first two verses of Genesis 1 ?

No. The Hebrew text of Genesis 1 does not allow for any time gap at all.

  1. According to 2 Peter 3:8 isn’t a day like a thousand years so the “days” of creation could each be vast ages of time ?

God is outside of time so to him a day is like a thousand years. The Bible in 2 Peter 3:8 does not say that a day is a thousand years, but that a day is only like a thousand years to God and, in context, this Bible verse is not talking of the creation week but is talking of God’s patience in the context of justice and human rebellion. And, besides, Psalm 90:4 says, “For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.” A watch in the night was a period of only three or four hours (depending on whether you were a Roman or a Jew).

  1. Where did all the different “races” of people come from ?

Every human being on Earth is directly descended from Adam and Eve, through Noah and his wife and their three sons and their three wives. Biblically and genetically, there is no such thing as “races” as all people are related. There is just one human race and we are all members of the human race. Human groups became geographically, culturally and linguistically isolated after the global Flood. As a result, there has been very little cross-breeding of the geographically isolated human gene pools, so over the centuries similar physical features will occur in any geographically isolated breeding group of people. These differing features are simply variation within the “species” (which has nothing to do with evolution).

  1. How do you explain the “ape-men” ?

There were no “ape-men”. There were men and there were apes. There still are. Usually, the men killed and ate the apes, leaving the bones and skulls. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon people were 100% people with larger brain capacities than ours and who were simply living in a harsher, more hostile environment.

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